
Rts romans bible study
Rts romans bible study

It in fact simply flows from what God taught and revealed in the Old Testament. It's not something he's thought up on his own which contradicts what God taught in the Old Testament. This is, it is rooted in the authoritative Scriptures of God. And so he wants to make it clear that his teaching is scriptural. He wants to make it clear that when you look at the life and experience of the father of Israel, you find that he was justified by grace thorough faith. And so Paul wants to challenge that particular belief. And believe it or not some of them appeal to this very verse, Genesis, chapter 15, verse 6 in order to prove that. First of all, the Jewish theologians of Paul's day taught that Abraham was chosen by God, elected by God, perhaps even justified by God because of His own righteousness. Well, we said several things in answer of that question last time. You can find it in the story of the one who is the Father of Israel, the fountainhead of the Jewish people." And he takes us right back to the story of Abraham.

rts romans bible study

In fact, you can find it in the story of one of the greatest saints of Old Testament times. It's a teaching which is actually grounded in the Bible, in the Old Testament Scriptures. It's not unique in the sense of never before having been heard of, though it is unique in other senses. And Paul says, "Look, this teaching that I have been telling you about is not new. And we've just been, now for a week, in Romans, chapter 4, and we were in Romans 4, verses 1 through 3, where Paul takes us then to the Old Testament, and especially to Genesis 15, verse 6, and that grand declaration about Abraham: Abraham believed, and it was credited, it was reckoned to him for righteousness. And He's been explaining how that happens in Romans, chapter 3. How is it that we then take benefit, how do we gain benefit from Christ's righteousness through faith, through faith alone? Paul says we trust in Christ, and God reckons us to be righteous because of Him. It is Christ's righteousness that leads God to declare us to be righteous. One thing that he has been stressing is that it is not our own righteousness that leads God to declare us to be righteous. And he's been explaining in Romans 3 exactly how it is that God goes about declaring us to be righteous. Justification simply refers to God's declaring us to be righteous. Paul there has been explaining justification.

rts romans bible study

We've been looking at this great theme of justification for a number of weeks now, especially as we've worked through Romans, chapter 3. If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Romans, chapter 4.

rts romans bible study

Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at RTS Jackson. Ligon Duncan III is the Chancellor/CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary and the John E. David Understood Justification by Faith:Romans 4:4-8 RPM,

Rts romans bible study